The subject of this tutorial is Multi-region capture. This means, as you've probably guessed, capturing more than one area of the screen, such as two rectangular portions of the same window, or even two different application windows at the same time.

You can use this powerful function for capturing a cascading menu, for example. This is a useful tool when creating documentation for software.

Here are the steps.

Hot key confusion?

Note that if you've changed the HyperSnap-DX 5 hot keys, you'll have to substitute yours for the default keys given here (and as they are given within all examples).

Minimize the HyperSnap-DX 5 window to the task bar.

Open a cascading (that means multi-level) menu in another program. For this example we'll use any Windows Explorer folder. Double-click the My Computer icon and then open any available hard disk drive's folder, and then open any folder that shows at least a few file icons you can use for this purpose. The Program Files folder is useful for this, typically.

Right-click on any convenient file's icon.

Choose File/Send to in order to get the menu open.

Press HyperSnap-DX 5's CTRL+SHIFT+M hot key combination to start multi-region capture.

Click on each menu in turn, plus the main menu toolbar (the one that shows File, Edit...)

Just to demonstrate the power of this feature, we'll add another step: while you're still in Mutli-region capture mode switch into Region mode.

Press and hold the right mouse button, select Region and draw a capture box around the pop-up menu as well as outlining something else on the screen to capture that, too. (For example, outline a data file's icon.)

Press the Enter key on the keyboard to finish this capture.

Examine the content in HyperSnap-DX 5's window, and you'll see all regions captured with the default background color filling the area between them. (The color of this region is user-definable.)

Click here to read about capturing those tricky DirectX or Glide windows (such as from accelerated graphics board game screens).